
Poetry easies [my] fluidity, releases

[my] tensions.

Prose constrains [me] them.

Whitman, Emerson,

Envy your thoughts and follow them noiselessly.


Long for you at night, at the sunrise.

Never saw you.

Always thought of you.

The sun still awaits for [us] to be.


Saw you in places, in foreigners’ faces.

Heard your distant voice.

Remember you makes me alive and dead, both.

My hands are cold, I am still here, and there.


Tried to talk with you in the distance, at a times works, at a times.

Come and love me, hold me tight, I still trust you. I long for your hands and your voice. Your rosy lipstick.

Kiss me good night. Come and do not go.

I am scared but I started to forget it. I am tired.

My heart feels no longer tender, Lethe had done it.


I see your eyes in my eyes, your complexion in mine. Come

and see me. Love me, I do it always silently, wish you, long for you.

The time is true and false.

My heart has a missing part since you left and not returned. Turn around, now.

 I turned but you were gone. Opened eyes, opened heart, gone.



I am waiting, still, stand.       

No rush, I have been waiting, I do not remember for how long, I just prefer not to.

Give me my heart back, I have been limping since you left.


Turn around,

I am waiting still, stand for you. 

I forgave you for not to be. I am trying. Come back and kiss me good night.

I needed you, still, always.


I pray for you before I sleep and send you pieces of love.

Have you ever received them?




My Dear Everything

L. vs D.